"Nacer con estrella o nacer estrellado"Translated into English it would sound: "be born with a star or be born defeated". I was explained this phenomenon by an example: when sitting through a life-defining exam where you have to get at least 5 out of 10 to pass it, the star people manage to get the 5.1 they need, but the "estrelladors" will get the 4.9.
I was surprised because they stressed so much the importance of context, whereas in my opinion the thoughts of a person are more important then the context, something similar to "you make your own luck". However, I am also in favor of this 'stochastic' view, where luck and the surroundings play a great part of your success.
I started wandering. Do we create the context with our thoughts? or the context forms our thoughts?
In my example, I usually write down what I want in the future and surprisingly I get it. Most of the times I get more then I request, therefore I reached the conclusion that I am lucky and I always get what I want or I need. But sometimes I also get unexpected surprises, both positive and negative. If they are positive I reinforce my belief that I am lucky if they are negative, I see the good part in the situation (from my experience, there was always a good/ great part, this is how I got to start many important projects in my life). Of course I feel down for a moment, but I am training myself to get over it as quickly as possible and to start focusing on other projects. Frankly, I didn't use to agree 100% with "you make your own luck", but after my experiences, I agree.
I am curious how others experience this saying. Do you believe in the power of the context or do you create the context? Thinking of your experience is the best way to determine on which side you are.